Participants will be limited to 50. To apply, please submit the application form by May 31 postoponed until June 15, 2017 and upload a short one page curriculum.
Participants will be selected on the basis on their curriculum; priority will be given to PhD student and to young researcher.
The registration fee of 250 € includes the attendance to the lectures, a copy of the book containing the lecture notes and transportation to Elettra for the practical sessions.
Participants are encouraged to present a poster on their research activity and interest toward synchrotron radiation, in order to facilitate exchange of ideas and collaborations among participants.
Registration is closed!
Please make your payment through bank transfer, by July 31, 2017, using the following details:
Bank name & Address:
UniCredit Banca, agenzia di Roma San Giovanni IBAN: IT43G0200805206000101919329
Account Holder: Società Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone
Reason of payment: XIV SILS School / Registration fee for (name of the registrant)