01 |
Advances in Symplectic Tracking for Robust Modeling of Nonlinear Integrable Optic |
02 |
Theory of Square Matrix for Nonlinear Optimization and Application to NSLS-II |
03 |
Hamiltonian Analytical Optics and Simulations of Betatronic Motion by Optical Devices |
04 |
Birkhoff Normal Forms and Stability Indicators for Betatronic Motion |
05 |
Diffusion in Stochastically Perturbed Hamiltonian Systems with Application to the Recent LHC Dynamic Aperture Experiments |
06 |
A Beam Dynamic View on a Generalized Formulation of Spin Dynamics Based on Topological Algebra with Examples |
07 |
Suppression of Higher-order Terms of Amplitude-dependent Tune-shifts in Nonlinear Optimization of Spring-8 Upgrade Lattice |
08 |
Singularities of Particle Trajectory Caustics and Beam Shaping in Bunch Compressors |
09 |
Effect of Head-Tail Mode Diffusion due to Synchrotron Radiation on Transverse Coupled Bunch Instabilities with Harmonic-cavity-lengthened Bunches |
10 |
Application of the Coupled-bunch Instability for Arbitrary Multibunch Configurations with Applications to the NSLS-II Storage Ring |
11 |
Longitudinal Single-bunch Instability Studies for Sirius |
12 |
Practical Theory to Compute the Microwave Instability Threshold |
13 |
Towards a Theory of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in Realistic Vacuum Chambers |
14 |
Suppression of CSR Effects at the Dogleg Beam Transport of SACLA |
15 |
Arbitrary Order Perturbation Theory for Time-Discrete Vlasov Systems with Drift Maps and Poisson Type Collective Kick Maps |
16 |
A Time-Discreet Vlasov Approach to LSC Driven Microbunching in FEL-like Beam Lines |
17 |
Free Electron Laser Oscillator – A New Type of X-ray Laser |
18 |
Harmonic Lasing in X-ray FELs Theory and Experiment |
19 |
Harmonic Self-seeding for the MaRIE X-ray Free Electron Laser |
20 |
Challenges Towards Monocycle Free Electron Lasers |
21 |
Beam Shaping to Improve the Free Electron Laser Performance at the Linac Coherent Light Source |
22 |
Schemes for Large Bandwidth Pulses |
23 |
Compact FEL-driven Inverse Compton Scattering Gamma-ray and UV Source |
24 |
Intense THz Source Based on Laser Modulator and Bunch Compressor with Electron Beam Ranging from 35 to 50 MeV |
25 |
Could Synchrotron Light Sources Benefit from the Experience at CERN with Beams Split in Horizontal Phase-space |
26 |
Round Beams at Petra IV |
27 |
Generation of a Saw-tooth Bunch at AWA |