
All participants are invited to submit abstracts for ORAL or POSTER contributions to GISR2017. The presenting author has to be registered to the GISR2017 Conference when notified of the contribution acceptance.

Abstracts must be written in English following the AbstractTemplate . After the registration procedure, you will receive an email with the link through which to proceed with the abstract submission. The abstract should be named with the Surname of the presenting author and with the type of the desired presentation (Surname_Poster.docx or Surname_Oral.docx).

Abstracts should be submitted before April 15th, 2017. The acceptance notification, with the indication of the presentation type, will be notified to the presenter by e-mail, before April 30th, 2017.

A special issue of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy will be devoted to the Italian Meeting on Raman Spectroscopies and Non Linear Optical Effects 2017 organized by GISR. The papers must be submitted within 30 September 2017 via the online system of JRS. The submitted papers could range from Research Articles, Reviews or Mini-Reviews, to Communications or Notes. The scientific works must meet the current standards of quality and originality of JRS and therefore should address the most innovative aspects and new applications of Raman spectroscopy. There is no page limit for the submitted papers. The only caveat is the move, as usual, non-essential material to Supporting Information so as not to waste pages needlessly.

Poster presentation instructions:

Poster boards will be 2 meters width x 1 meter height (landscape orientation). A0 size landscape is recommended.