Abstract submission deadline: Monday 25th July 2016
After this date, submission of poster contributions will remain possible, but the organizers cannot guarantee that the abstracts will appear in the conference program.
Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the following address: saxs20years@elettra.eu
Please use this template to write your abstract: template.doc . Name your file "abstract_yourName", and submit your abstract as a MS Word file (only *.doc files will be accepted. Poster should be presented in A0 size, portrait format. Please specify in your mail, if you prefer a talk or a poster presentation.
Abstracts can be submitted to one of the following topics:
- Micro / Nanofluidics and confined systems
- In-operando experiments
- Ultrafast pump probe experiments
The acceptance of contributions will be communicated by the organizers to the participants via email.
Registration deadline: 31th July 2016
Please fill out the registration form Registration_Form.doc , name it "registration_yourName" and submit it by e-mail to the following adress: saxs20years@elettra.eu .
There will be no Registration Fee.
Lunches will be available at regular cost in the mensa of the conference site.