Here is the list of the invited speakers:
- Stephen Clark (Oxford University)
- Lev Vidmar (Pennsylvania State University)
- Simon Wall (ICFO, Barcelona)
- John Goold (ICTP, Trieste)
- Matteo Mitrano (CFEL, Hamburg)
- Suchitra Sebastian (Cavendish Lab. Cambridge)
- Marco Moretti Sala (ESRF, Grenoble)
- Paola di Pietro (Elettra, Trieste)
- Cedric Weber (King's College London)
- Yusuke Nomura (Ecole Polytechnique)
- Mathieu Le Tacon (Max Planck Stuttgart)
- Laura Fanfarillo (CNR-IOM, Trieste)
- Tom Fennell (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
- Oleg Janson (IFP TU, Wien)
- Hans-Joachim Grafe (IWF, Dresden)