- Dr. Matthias Batzill (University of South Florida, Physics Dept., Tampa, US)
- Dr. Elisa De Ranieri (NPG, London, UK)
- Prof. Vladimir Falko (University of Lancaster, Physics Dept., Lancaster, UK)
- Prof. Xinliang Feng (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, DE)
- Prof. Andrea Ferrari (Cambridge Graphene Centre, Engineering Dept., University of Cambridge, UK)
- Dr. Vincenzo Palermo (Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity, CNR, Bologna, Italy)
- Dr. Vittorio Pellegrini (IIT-Genova and CNR-NANO Pisa, Italy)
- Prof. Maurizio Prato (University of Trieste, Chemistry Dept., Trieste, Italy)
- Prof. Nicola Pugno (University of Trento, Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering Dept., Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy and Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Dr. Sebastiano Ravesi (STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy)
- Prof. Luca Selmi (University of Udine, Electronic Engineering Dept., Udine, Italy)