Presentation of the Giovanni Sostero Award at MEADOW 2013

Dear Peter,
it is an honor for us to present the Giovanni Sostero Award to you today. The MEADOW workshop gave us the chance to celebrate your career in the fields of optical metrology and x-ray optics, and your work has been always characterized by your great passion and deep knowledge. Your outstanding and pioneering achievements have inspired us over the years, and have greatly contributed to the formation and development of the community represented here at the workshop.
We decided that the best way to mark this moment was to name the award after Giovanni Sostero, who also happened to be a colleague and a friend of yours. Giovanni always considered the period you worked together at Elettra as one of the highlights of his career and mentioned it lots of times.
The MEADOW 2013 Scientific Committee

Presentation of the Award by Marco Zangrando and Sara Garzia-Sostero

P.Z. Takacs receiving the Award

Peter Z. Takacs