XVIIIth European Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Workshop 2010
The Annual European Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Workshop helps to share information on operating and planned synchrotron light sources in Europe.
Dates: Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November 2010
Place: Elettra (see venue for details)
Registration deadline: 14 November 2010
Accommodation will be provided at the Center Hotel in Basovizza, distant 1400 m from Elettra (a 20 min walk) where a number of rooms has been reserved for the workshop.(http://www.centerhotel.it/en/index.asp) Please note that no direct reservation in this hotel for the workshop is possible, we will reserve for you!
The participation is free of charge and as usual, the hosting laboratory will pay the hotel accommodation (provided that it is at the Center hotel) for up to two persons (two nights) from each participating laboratory. Note that the reservations will be made by us from the dates you must provide in the registration form. We can of course reserve for more nights and/or for more than two persons. Please inform us upon registration in case you have a different arrangement.
Emanuel Karantzoulis (Chair)