Waste Management
Special waste disposal instructions
- Place the waste into an appropriate bin (available at the Prevention and Safety; ask Teresa Bonifacio in case of need);
- Seal up the bin to avoid unwanted spreads;
- If a single bin is used to store different wastes, check compatibility;
- Go to https://vuo.elettra.trieste.it, “Gestione servizi ecologici - Conferimento rifiuti speciali” (in Italian only) section, and, for each type of waste, fill in the form providing detailed hazard information about the product and link to the safety sheet via the section "Salva e prosegui con i codici CAS", then "Aggiungi codice CAS") or send it directly to ;
- Print the “modulo stampabile” and paste it to the bin (one copy for each bin, if there are more than one bin);
- Wait to be contacted by Prevention and Safety team, in order to arrange date and time of the bin delivery, then bring it to the special waste depot or other place that will be indicated;
- In case of need to handle materials please remember to activate the checkbox "Viene richiesta la movimentazione?" in the form, and wait to be contacted by Movimentazioni team.
Disposal instructions for chemical waste produced at the beamlines
Smaltimento dei rifiuti chimici prodotti nelle attività di competenza del gruppo Linee di Luce Microscopia / Diffrazione e Linee di Luce Spettroscopia / Scattering (in Italian only)
Other useful information
CER codes for non dangerous/dangerous waste (in italian only)Properties of waste which render it hazardous (Reg. 1357/2014)
Waste collection points map
Waste collection points map (in italian only)Don't leave garbage around
"Don't leave garbage around" poster
Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 11:01