Different levels of radiation protection training are provided for workers, depending on their specific activity.
Beamlines' users |
Personnel authorized to take Elettra hutch keys |
Elettra and FERMI users are required to perform the Radiation Protection and Safety training available on line in the Virtual Unified Office (VUO). If you are already registered, please log-in, check the "Downloads" section and follow the instructions. Users, who will not follow the on line training, will be asked to perform it upon their arrival at the Research Centre. |
A specific training is foreseen for the personnel authorized to take Elettra hutch keys from the Experimental Hall keysafes. For more info, please select the following links (local only): Italian English |
Radiation workers |
High risk personnel |
Personnel classified as "radiation workers" are required to attend a training concerning radiation protection issues at the accelerators, procedure to enter machine tunnels, radiation protection rules, etc. |
A radiation protection course has been organized in December 2013, 3-5, addressed to high risk personnel. Slides (Italian language) are available here (local only). | |||
Control room operators |
Specific radiation protection trainings are organized for the control room operators. |
Last Updated on Friday, 22 July 2022 15:29