General Use Software
We recommend and suggest extensive use of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).The ICTSS suggests and supports a restricted list of recommended Open Source Software that you can freely install and use at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste.
- Browser: Mozilla Firefox
- Email client: Mozilla Thunderbird
- FTP client: FileZilla
- LibreOffice: LibreOffice
- Personal Backup: Duplicati
Backup: Cobian Backup, Areca Backup (Open Source).
Commercial Software
The ICTSS mantains licenses for a number of commercial software.To get them installed onto a computer owned by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, just open a VUO ticket ("Richieste di intervento IT") having a category of type "ICT".
More information, if available, is linked here below:
- Antivirus
- Microsoft Office
- App Store Mac OS X
- Harris Geospatial IDL - 25 concurrent licenses
- Harris Geospatial IDL Dataminer Module License - 2 concurrent licenses
Software using centralised Lincese Manager
Some software use floating licenses provided by license servers managed by ICTSS. To the the installers please open a VUO ticket ("Richieste di intervento IT") having a category of type "ICT:consulenza acquisto software" (nevermind if you're not going to buy it, just remember to specify the computer name and reasons why you need this particular software).Hereafter the license server parameters to be set on the client are described:
- Xilinx: server: port: 2100
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 October 2023 11:15