elog.elettra.trieste.it and felog.elettra.trieste.it are servers that can be reached only inside the Elettra LAN. To use their web services from the Internet, the only mode is to securely pass through ssh.elettra.trieste.it. This means, you are going to create an SSH tunnel.
Your email account must be enabled for ssh connections. If your account is not enabled yet, please ask the Elettra postmaster for this option.
From a Linux client
Open a terminal and give the following command:
ssh -L 8888:elog.elettra.trieste.it:81 ssh.elettra.trieste.it -l user.name
ssh -L 8888:felog.elettra.trieste.it:82 ssh.elettra.trieste.it -l user.name
(pay attention: substitute user.name with your actual username!)
Then, open your favourite browser and open the URL http://localhost:8888 - you will connect to your local machine, but in reality it will be tunneled via SSH to elog or felog.
The tunnel will remain active until you will log off from the above ssh session, so please don't close it until you don't need it anymore.
From a Mac OS X client
Open your Macintosh HD

Alternately, you can press Shift/Apple/U to access the Utility folder directly:

From now on, follow the Linux instructions above.
From a Windows client
Download PuTTY (the Windows Installer version is recommended.)
Run PuTTY, a configuration window will appear.
Please go to the Connection | SSH | Tunnels section and follow the instruction from the following screen (based on version 0.60):
Now you can go back to the Session section and configure the SSH session according to the following screen (ATTENTION: change value 81 with 82 for felog)::
By pressing the Open button the connection will be made. Enter your username (user.name) when asked by a login as:, then your password.
Then, open your favourite browser and open the URL http://localhost:8888 - you will connect to your local machine, but in reality it will be tunneled via SSH to elog.
The tunnel will remain active until you will log off from the above ssh session, so please don't close it until you don't need it anymore.
The next time just fire up puTTY and double click the 'Tunnel to Elog' session.
Last Updated on Thursday, 21 May 2015 16:43