Indented text
The main topics will be:
- Production and properties of Synchrotron Radiation;
- Free electron laser;
- Basic of the interaction between matter and radiation;
- X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES);
- X-ray Diffraction (single crystal, powder, anomalous scattering);
- Small angle scattering;
- X-ray Microscopy and micro-spectroscopy;
- Photoemission (from valence and from core levels; angular, time and spin resolved);
- IR spectroscopy;
- Microscopy and spectromicroscopy;
- Resonant spectroscopy and diffraction techniques;
- Dichroism;
- Inelastic X-ray scattering;
- Applications to bio-molecules, magnetism, catalysts, surfaces, earth science, environment, cultural heritage.
The detailed programme of the lectures will be sent to participants together with notification of the acceptance to the school.