
Monday 22/05/2006 Tuesday 23/05/2006 Wednesday 24/05/2006
8:00 Registration 8:40 Invited
U.B. Sleytr
Molecular Nanotechnology with 2D Protein Crystals
8:40 Invited
Ch. Niemeyer
9:00 Invited - opening
Ch. Gerber
Towards personalized medicine based on nanomechanics
9:25 L.L. Del Mercato
Self-assembled amyloid-like fibrils: elastic properties and nanomanipulation by AFM
9:25 C. Dri
Structure and reactivity of the Rh(110) surface oxide
9:45 F. Valle
Single molecule force spectroscopy investigation of the structure of human a-synuclein
9:45 M. Castronovo
Nanografting and Lateral Force Microscopy applied to the differential study of hydroxyl-terminated Self Assembled Monolayers on Au(111)
9:45 L. Savio
Interaction of a long molecular wire with flat and nanopatterned metal substrates: Violet Landers at Cu(111) and Cu(211)
10:05 M. Brucale
Linear and Circular Self-Assembled Supramolecular Polymers Made of DNA Parallelograms
10:05 A. Migliore
First-Principles DFT Calculations of Electron Transfer Rates in Azurin Dimers
10:05 L.G. Rosa
Correlating Electron Transport Properties with Molecular Structures: Combination of Conductive-Probe AFM Experiments and DFT Calculations
  10:25 Invited
P. Facci
Biomolecular Nanoelectronics: a Dual Approach
10:25 coffee 11:10 coffee 10:25 coffee
10:45 Invited
A. Tredicucci
Controlling the emission of THz Quantum Cascade Lasers
11:30 Invited
P. Baglioni
Amphiphilic self-assemblies decorated by Nucleobases
10:45 Invited
E. Barrena
Controlled growth of self-organized organic systems of low dimensionality
11:30 S. Ciappelli
Hybrid LbL/LB Films of Conjugated Polymers for OLED Applications Studied by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM)
12:15 A. Mateo-Alonso
Rotaxanated fullerene-ferrocene dyads for conversion of light into energy
11:30 S. de Gironcoli
Engineering the reactivity of metal catalysts: low temperature methanol synthesis
11:50 A. Liscio
Quantitative measurement of the local surface potential of π-conjugated nanostructures: a Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy exploration
12:35 D. Bonifazi
Supramolecular Nanostructuring of Silver Surfaces via Self-assembly of C60 Fullerene and Porphyrin Modules
11:50 R. Mazzarello
The Structure of Methylthiolates on Au(111) Surface: a Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
12:10 E. Pavlica
Electrical characterization of metal-organic semiconductor interfaces in oligothiophene-based thin film transistors
  12:10 G. Bracco
Study of the (3x4)-(V3�V3) phase transition of CH3S self assembled monolayers on Au(111)
12:30 � 15:00 Lunch
Poster session A
12:55 � 15:00 Lunch
Poster session B
12:30 � 15:00 Lunch
Poster session C
15:00 Invited
E. Di Fabrizio
Nanotechnology for Biomedicine
15:00 Invited
D. Mihailovic
Functional properties of MoSIx nanowires
15:00 Invited
R. Gebauer
Quantum kinetic simulation of suspended current-carrying nanotubes
15:45 G. Ceccone
Fabrication of Functional Nano-structured Surfaces for Protein Based Sensor Platforms
15:45 U. Tartaglino
Sliding versus rotatory intrinsic friction in nanotubes
15:45 A.N. Smogunov
Magnetic properties and electron transport in monatomic Pt nanowires
16:05 M. Cavallini
Improvement of material properties in thin solid films of Functional Materials via Bottom-Up nanostructuration
16:05 H. Amenitsch
Self-assembly processes of molecules to nanoparticles as seen by small angle X-ray scattering
16:05 M. Piccin
Electrical and optical characterization of Mn-catalyzed GaAs nanowires
16:25 D. Pisignano
Soft lithographies, nanoimprinting, electrospinning for patterning molecular materials at sub100 nm
16:25 D. Prezzi
Ab initio study of the optical properties of carbon nanotubes
16:25 V. Palermo
Electric field assisted alignment of supramolecular nanofibers: a new surface nanoconstruction approach
   16:45 P.D. Cozzoli
Synthesis and characterization of colloidal tetrapod-shaped magnetic nanocrystals
16:45 coffee 16:45 coffee 17:05 coffee
17:05 Invited
M. Caldas
Tuning of Si surfaces by organic monolayers: a view from theory
17:05 Invited
V. Dediu
Manganites for Organic Spintronics
17:25 Invited - closing
M.A. Rampi
Controlling and Gating Current Flowing through Metal-molecules-Metal Junctions
17:50 C. Africh
Oxygen storage and release by Ceria: New insights into the mechanism based on STM data
17:50 A. Camposeo
Polymer-based nanophotonics: energy transfer and polarisation effects
18:10 'Best Student Prize'
18:10 A. Straub
Dynamics of the scanning probe-induced transformation of rotaxane thin films into 2D arrays of nanostripes
18:10 R. Capelli
Ambipolar organic light-emitting transistors
18:30 L. Sorace
Magnetic and morphological characterization of organic radicals assembled on surfaces
Nano-bio prize (offered by CBM)
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