The goal of this workshop is to share experiences among designers and users of CW and high average power RF systems that utilize high-power klystrons, gridded tubes, combined solid-state architectures, high-voltage power supplies, high-voltage modulators, high-power combiners, circulators, cavities, power couplers and tuners. New ideas for high-power RF system upgrades and novel ways of RF power generation and distribution will also be discussed.
This is the eighth Continuous Wave and High Average Power RF Workshop (CWRF2014) and will be hosted by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste from 13 to 16 May, 2014. During the workshop a visit to FERMI FEL and Elettra synchrotron light source will be organized.
Trieste is located in northeastern part of Italy on the Adriatic Sea. Due to its history, Trieste is a city unique in its kind and a fascinating place to visit. Science and scientific research has always played a key role in Trieste and this has led, through the years, to the creation of several organizations dedicated to foster science and scientific research.
Local Organizing Committee (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste) Contacts |