The workshop has been a great success in terms of participation of both attendees and sponsors. The quality of the talks has been very high as well as that of the posters. You can find some of them in the dedicated pages of this website.
You can find also a lot of pictures in the Photos section.
During MEADOW, moreover, the optics and metrology communities have had the chance to commemorate Giovanni Sostero by presenting the Giovanni Sostero Award to Peter Z. Takacs.

The MEADOW 2013 workshop (MEtrology, Astronomy, Diagnostics and Optics Workshop) will be held in Trieste from the 28th to the 30th of October 2013, at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The workshop represents the natural continuation of the ACTOP and IWXM series of workshops, both dedicated to the x-ray optics and metrology world. This year it has been decided to broaden the covered fields by adding sessions dedicated to diagnostics for both FEL and synchrotron radiation facilities. In this way, MEADOW will bring together synchrotron and FEL optics communities (optical and mechanical engineers, manufacturers, designers, users) to discuss the latest developments and trends, as well as the future directions of such fields. The workshop also aims at providing young researchers and graduate students with a good introduction to this rapidly advancing field.


  • Standard and deformable x-ray optics (SR, FEL and Astronomy)
  • In- and ex-situ metrology
  • Mirror design and realization (SR, FEL and Astronomy)
  • Wavefront sensing (SR, FEL and Astronomy): simulations, instrumentation, measurements
  • Photon diagnostics for FELs and synchrotrons
  • Beamline design

A selected number of invited high-level speakers plus a series of oral presentations will be scheduled during the workshop. It will be also possible to have a direct contact with some vendors via dedicated presentations or posters.

Giovanni Sostero award

Giovanni Sostero

During the workshop an award in memory of Giovanni Sostero will be attributed to a distinguished scientist in the field of metrology.
The award would like to remember and honor Giovanni Sostero, formerly in charge of the soft x-ray metrology laboratory at Elettra, who sadly passed away in late 2012. The scientific activity of Giovanni, who was also extremely active in the field of astronomy, will be also illustrated through a dedicated presentation during the workshop itself, while the award ceremony will be held during the workshop dinner on the evening of October, 29th.

News on the U.A.I. (Italian Amateur Astronomers Community) website about the Giovanni Sostero Award


Organizing committee (Elettra)

Marco ZANGRANDO - Chair
Stefano DEIURI
Nicola MAHNE
Cristian SVETINA

Scientific committee

Daniele SPIGA - INAF-Brera (Italy) - Co-Chair
Mourad IDIR - BNL (USA) - Co-Chair
Daniele COCCO - SLAC (USA)
Klaus MANN - LaserLab Gottingen (Germany)
Josep NICOLAS - CELLS (Spain)
Kawal SAWHNEY - Diamond (UK)
Frank SIEWERT - Helmholtz Zenter Berlin (Germany)
Kai TIEDTKE - DESY (Germany)
Amparo VIVO - ESRF (France)
Kazuto YAMAUCHI - Un. Osaka (Japan)