last update November 13, 2012, at 04:34 PM
by Fabio Mazzolini

Due to the historical events of past century, Centre East European Countries have had fewer opportunities to invest in large research infrastructures and develop them at pan-European dimension.

C‑ERIC (the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium) aims at contributing to a speedy and cost-effective catch-up of this Region in the field of analysis and synthesis for advanced materials and life sciences with a Research Infrastructure of pan-European quality and relevance. This initiative is open to other Countries capable and willing to contribute to the common goals.

Science@C-ERIC is an opportunity for perspective users of the Consortium to be informed of the possibilities offered by the integration of the various Research Infrastructures.

The workshop will include presentations of the individual facilities, research highlights by existing users, and discussion sessions to bring together user communities with different scientific background and different methodological approach.

Organizing committee:
Giorgio Paolucci

Flavia Bottaro
tel: +39-040-3758311